A street in Islington has today (February 5) become the first area in London to be certified as a ‘low plastic zone’.
The North London Waste Authority (NLWA) in partnership with seven London authorities, unveiled the zone in the Cowcross Street area of Islington, near Farringdon.
This street was chosen because over three quarters of the businesses there have ‘successfully, and permanently’ reduced the single-use plastic they give to their customers, according to the NLWA, with many pledging to go further.
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The Hope Pub is one business to have cut down plastic waste in Islington (Picture credit: Steve Bainbridge)
Over the coming weeks, key shopping areas within Haringey, Camden, Barnet, Enfield, Hackney and Waltham Forest are also expected to reach Low Plastic Zone status.
The initiative comes on the back of growing public concern over single-use plastics and in particular their impact on the marine environment.
Speaking at the launch, Cllr Rowena Champion, executive member for environment and transport from Islington council, said: “The Low Plastic Zone on Cowcross Street is an innovative, practical step towards cutting down on single-use plastics and shows one of the many ways we are working with local people and businesses to tackle the climate emergency.
“We have been encouraged and inspired by the response from the public and businesses alike so far; it is clear many people who live and work in the borough are willing to do their bit in helping reduce single-use plastics. We look forward to more businesses in the area and beyond signing up.”
Businesses interested in the initiative can fill in a ‘Charter of Commitment’ in which they commit to reduce their use of single-use plastics. Once signed up, NLWA said that its officers will visit the business and work closely with them to reduce their plastic waste and help customers do the same. Officers will re-assess progress a few weeks later and decide if the business should then become certified.
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Paul is one business to be certified under the Low Plastic Zone (Picture credit: Steve Bainbridge)
The North London Waste Authority is the waste disposal authority for the boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest and is the second largest waste disposal authority in the country.
Chair of North London Waste Authority, Cllr Clyde Loakes, said: “Our research shows that the majority of people are trying hard to reduce their use of single-use plastic but are frustrated at how difficult it is to avoid when shopping or eating and drinking on-the-go. Reducing the amount of waste we all create, and single-use plastics in particular, is essential for helping tackle the climate emergency.”
He added: “We know that businesses want to reduce their environmental impact, not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s good for business. People are telling us that they are more likely to use companies who are taking action in this area so we are confident that this flagship initiative will be a win-win-win; for businesses, for consumers and of course, for the planet.”
The post London’s first ‘low plastic zone’ launched appeared first on letsrecycle.com.